Scientist praises the opposition’s vote on the Alcântara Base agreement 26/08/2019 Professor at the University of Brasília (UnB) and former director of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), the engineer Carlos Gurgel talked to Portal Vermelho about the House of Representatives’... Base de Alcântara
Alcantara: the long march to a base 26/08/2019 China, the Soviet Union, Russia, Ukraine and Argentine. These are some of the countries that had established talks with Brazil with the aim of using the launch base in Alcantara, in the Federal... Base de Alcântara
Aumenta solidariedade mundial à Venezuela contra bloqueio dos EUA 14/08/2019 Sorry, this entry is only available in Português do Ameaças à VenezuelaAmérica Latina e CaribeNicolás MaduroRevolução BolivarianaVenezuela
Partido Comunista Argentino: Redobrar a militância para garantir o triunfo no primeiro turno em outubro 13/08/2019 Sorry, this entry is only available in Português do América Latina e CaribeArgentinaEleições na Argentina 2019
Foro de São Paulo: Vivo, forte e atuante 11/08/2019 Sorry, this entry is only available in Português do