93 partidos revolucionários de todo mundo afirmam: Honramos Lênin! 22/04/2020 Sorry, this entry is only available in Português do 150 anos de nascimento de LêninEIPCOInternacionalismo proletárioMovimento Comunista InternacionalPCdoB
Lenin, the genius of revolutionary praxis 22/04/2020 PCdoB’s tribute to the 150th anniversary of Lenin’s birth. The 22nd of April 2020 marks the 150th year since the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov, leader of the Russian Revolution, known for... 150 anos de nascimento de LêninComunismoLêninSocialismo
PCdoB promotes national salvation front against the messenger of death 20/04/2020 The logic of the capitalist system strips bare [ou evinces] two antagonistic fields; one defends life and the other, bankers and large monopolies, the Resolution states. The Central Committee of... BrasilFora BolsonaroPCdoB
PCdoB lamenta morte de histórico líder sandinista Jacinto Suárez 03/04/2020 Sorry, this entry is only available in Português do América Latina e CaribeFrente Sandinista de Libertação NacionalInternacionalismoJacinto Suárez
PCdoB: The struggle for life and peace in times of pandemic 02/04/2020 With the appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic, humanity faces one of the greatest challenges of its entire history, which affects all nations and sheds light on the extremely grave structural... PandemiaPartido Comunista do BrasilPCdoB