PCdoB – Posições Internacionais

PCdoB expresses solidarity with the Sudanese Communist Party

Muhammad Mukhtar Al-Khatib, Secretário-Geral do Partido Comunista Sudanês

The Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) strongly condemns the repression against the popular movement and the leaders of the Sudanese Communist Party (PCS), carried out by the Military Junta, and demands an end to the persecutions and the immediate release of Amal Alzai, a member of the Central Committee of the PCS and of all political prisoners.

To the militants and leaders of the PCS, as well as to the people of Sudan, who courageously take to the streets fighting for democracy and free elections, we express our unwavering solidarity.


Ana Prestes

PCdoB’s Secretary of International Relations

Brasilia, May 25, 2022

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