PCdoB – Posições Internacionais

PCdoB: Gather broad forces and mobilize the people to elect Lula president

The National Political Commission of the PCdoB, gathered on October 4th, calls on the entire party to join forces in the electoral battle in this second electoral turn. The candidacy of Lula and Alckmin won the first round of elections, with more than six million votes. Despite all the abuse in the use of the public machine, the secret budget, and the threats to democracy and institutions, the people have massively rejected Bolsonaro’s candidacy.

However, the dispute in this second round of elections should not be underestimated. We need to build the biggest Broad Front possible. This is a truly national union against the implantation of the extreme right in the country, which will lead us to a catastrophic scenario in every sense. What is at stake is the dispute between two antagonistic projects. One is authoritarian, regressive, and exclusionary, led by Bolsonaro. The other project is democratic and committed to the development and social justice, led by Lula and Alckmin.

In the following hours, the central work is the dialogue with political forces and leaders who have always been committed to democracy and Brazil. Political supports such as PDT and Ciro Gomes, Simone Tebet, FHC, and Cidadania, as well as leaders from PSDB, PSD, and MDB are indispensable. The campaign must incorporate the programmatic contributions of these leaders, reinforcing a basic program with concrete answers to the real problems of our people.

For this reason, the PCdoB calls on its militancy and its leaders to reinforce Lula’s campaign in the states of the federation. It is crucial that we increase the local platform, intensify social mobilization, and build broad campaign agendas.

We have three weeks of intense mobilization and talking to people. Now is the time to go to neighborhoods, schools, universities, and workplaces to ask for votes. We have to convince new voters and compare projects. It is completely possible to win this battle, defeat the extreme right, and elect Lula as president. The PCdoB will put all its forces into making a combative, massive and courageous campaign.

Let’s go for the win!

National Political Commission of the PCdoB


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