
Mundo lamenta perda de Haroldo Lima

Desde que a trágica notícia sobre a morte de Haroldo Lima veio a público, no dia 24/03, o PCdoB vem recebendo, do exterior, mensagens de solidariedade dirigidas à família de Haroldo, ao PCdoB e ao Povo Brasileiro, pela perda irreparável. Até o momento o Partido recebeu mensagens de 24 países e regiões. Seguem as mensagens em suas línguas originais.


África do Sul


Partido Comunista Sul-Africano


Dear comrades of PCdoB

Kindly accept our sincere condolences on the passing of cde HAROLD LIMA.

Condolences to his family and friends in and out of Brazil. Indeed hud contribution to a just and alternative Brazil of peace, justice and empathy with the marginalised and poorest sections our Brazilian society and the world are important lessons to take from hbd life.

On behalf of the entire leadership and members of the South African Communist Party (SACP) we pay tribute towards this hero of the working class.

May his soil find eternal. Rest in power …

Chris Matlhako 

2nd Deputy Secretay SACP

South Africa




Die Link





Partido Comunista da Argentina

Nuestras más sinceras condolencias por la perdida física del camarada Haroldo Lima. Abrazo a su familia y afectos.

Jorge Kreyness – Secretario de Relaciones Internacionales


Partido Comunista Congresso Extraordinário

Camarada Walter Sorrentino, felices 99 gloriosos años del PCdoB. Al mismo tiempo, lamentamos la muerte del camarada Haroldo Lima. Nuestras condolencias sinceras a su familia.

Ezequiel D´adamo, Secretario de Relaciones Internacionales del PCCE







Partido Comunista da Bolívia


Transmitimos nuestra sincera condolencia por la partida de Haroldo, camarada ejemplar en la lucha por la revolución y el socialismo en Brasil. Sentido pésame.

Partido Comunista de Bolívia




Partido Comunista do Canadá


April 6, 2021                                  

Central Committee

Communist Party of Brazil

Dear Comrades:

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada, we send you our condolences on the passing of Comrade Haroldo Lima, a veteran leader of the Communist Party of Brazil, a Communist parliamentarian, a writer, an engineer, a Minister in the Lula government, and a fearless fighter for the working people and for socialism.

The history of Comrade Lima’s life is the history of the Communist Party, and of the struggles of the Brazilian people against reaction and fascism, imperialist domination, for fundamental reforms and for a socialist transformation.  Brutal repression by the military dictatorship against the Party led to the murder, incarceration and torture of hundreds of Party cadres, in an effort to extinguish the Communist Party and the light of social and political liberation that it represents to the Brazilian people.

Comrade Lima’s refutation and struggle against imperialism’s efforts to liquidate Marxism-Leninism and scientific socialism during the 1990s, while also fighting the physical liquidation of the Communist Party and its cadres, is a testament to his exemplary character and leadership.

His role in Brazil’s parliament, leading the Communists elected there, and fighting for unity in the struggle for democracy, for social progress and socialism is an example of how best to unite the parliamentary and extra-parliamentary struggles for significant reforms, leading to socialist transformation.

The Communist Party and the Brazilian people have lost a great leader and fighter for socialism, for the emancipation of  working people from capitalist exploitation, oppression, war, and reaction.   The Communist and Workers’ movement world-wide has lost a leading cadre, whose selfless and heroic devotion to the liberation of the working people of Brazil will not be forgotten.

We send our deepest sympathy and condolences to Comrade Haroldo Lima’s family, and to the Central Committee and the members of the CP do Brazil.


Yours in the Struggle,

Elizabeth Rowley

Central Executive Committee


Partido Comunista do Canadá (Marxista-Leninista)


March 29, 2021

Comrade Luciana Santos


Communist Party of Brazil

Dear Comrade Luciana,

It was with great sorrow that we learned of the death of Comrade Haroldo Lima who you lost to COVID-19 on March 24th. The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) sends its condo­lences to the leadership and all members of PCdoB and to Solange and Haroldo’s family. We express sympathies to the Brazilian people who have lost a significant leader, a lifelong fighter for the cause for peace, democracy and progress.

A leader like Haroldo forged by a communist party such as the PCdoB is a very precious thing. His courageous resistance to the military dictatorship, for which he was tortured and jailed; his dec­ades of important clandestine work for the PCdoB; the five terms he served as a federal deputy elected by the people of Bahia; and his contribution to defending the national sovereignty and the economic and social development of Brazil in his capacity as Director General of the National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency during the PT government of President Lula are all proof of a leadership whose quality is what is needed in these difficult times.

Our Party has also suffered the loss of comrades to COVID-19, a source of great indignation, as these tragic deaths did not have to happen but are the result of private interests run amok with the complicity of governments in their service.

Like you, we know that the legacy of those who have been so cruelly struck down will live on in the work of those who continue to organize the working people to empower themselves and put an end to the nation-wrecking and destruction of neoliberal governments in the service of imperial­ism and darkest reaction.

We were fortunate to meet Comrade Haroldo on several occasions in the course of joint work.

We wish you all strength and courage to overcome his loss and these difficult times.

With sincere condolences

Anna Di Carlo,

National Leader

cc: Walter Sorrentino

Secretary, International Relations




Comunistas da Catalunha


Arnau Piqué Magdalena
International Relations Secretary

Comunistes de Catalunya
carrer Liuva, 39-45,
08030 Barcelona

Estimados camaradas del Partido Comunista do Brasil,

Desde Comunistas de Cataluña queremos expresar nuestro más sentido pésame por el fallecimiento del camarada Haroldo Lima ante su familia, amigos y camaradas del Partido Comunista do Brasil.
Su sueño de un mundo sin explotación del hombre por el hombre y sin injusticias sigue bien vivo en el Movimiento Comunista Internacional y en las fuerzas progresistas del mundo

¡El mejor homenaje, la victoria!

Un abrazo revolucionario,




Partido Comunista do Chile





Carta do Embaixador da China no Brasil – Yang Wanming




Partido Comunista Colombiano


Honor a la Memoria del camarada Haroldo, comunista integral y solidario. Su ejemplo perdura.

Jaime Caycedo – secretario general del Partido Comunista Colombiano



Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores da Croácia


Zagreb, 28. III 2021.


Dear comrades,

We express a deep grief to the members of PCdoB, relatives, friends, and comrades over the pass away of comrade Haroldo Lima.

We can imagine what he had represented for your party, and we can understand the void you’re perceiving.

Hoping that he will represent an example of constant and coherent struggle to younger generations.

Praise and glory to comrade Haroldo

Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia

Responsible for International Relations

Vladimir Kapuralin


Caros camaradas,

Expressamos profundo pesar aos membros do PCdoB, parentes, amigos e companheiros pelo falecimento do camarada Haroldo Lima.

Podemos imaginar o que ele representou para o seu partido, e podemos entender o vazio que você está percebendo.

Esperando que ele represente um exemplo de luta constante e coerente para as gerações mais novas.

Louvor e glória ao camarada Haroldo

Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores da Croácia

Responsável pelas Relações Internacionais

Vladimir Kapuralin




Partido Comunista dos Povos da Espanha





Partido da Esquerda Europeia


Dear comrades,

We are deeply saddened by the news of the loss of Haroldo Lima, a major figure in the Partido Comunista do Brasil (PCdoB).

This awful pandemic takes away from us a comrade who has been a leading figure for his activity against the dictatorship in Brazil, for his militancy and his political commitment.

Haroldo Lima has been a key figure in the economic and social development of the country. He leaves a fundamental legacy for the younger generation and the future of popular struggles in favour of the working classes.

We want to send a warm embrace to the family of Haroldo Lima and the comrades of the PCdoB on this sad day. His memory will last in our common future struggles.


Heinz Bierbaum
President of the Party of the European Left




Partido Comunista Filipino (PKP-1930)




União do Povo Galego (UPG)

Camaradas do PCdoB: Queremos fazer-lhes chegar a nossa amostra de pesar pelo falecemento do importante quadro e dirigente comunista Haroldo Lima no dia de ontem. O desaparecimento físico de um militante sempre deixa um vazio mas a sua trajectória e o seu compromisso fazem parte de uma história que se constrói com o exemplo de vida e militancia. Casualmente a morte do camarada foi nas vésperas do 99 aniversário da fundação do Partido Comunista do Brasil, ao que dedicou mais de meio século de militancia, mas sabemos que todos vocês seguirão o seu exemplo, erguendo a bandeira de luta por um Brasil verdadeiramente soberano caminho do socialismo.

Recebam um abraço dos seus camaradas da UPG.

Duarte Correa Piñeiro

Secretário das RR.II.

Secretaría de Relacións Internacionais
Unión do Povo Galego-UPG
International Secretary
Galizan People’s Union-UPG




Partido Comunista da Grécia (KKE na sigla em grego)


Dear comrades,

The KKE expresses its sincere condolences for the loss of comrade Haroldo Lima, who fought for many decades for the rights of the Brazilian people. We express our condolences especially to his family, relatives and his comrades.

International Relations Section of the CC of the KKE




Partido Comunista da Índia (Marxista)





Partido dos Trabalhadores da Irlanda


WPI International

To: Secretaria de Relações Internacionais
Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB)
Dear comrades,
Please accept the condolences of the Workers Party of Ireland on the sad loss of Haroldo Lima, a prominent and historic leader of your Party. We wish to convey our deepest sympathy to his wife and family, to the Party leadership and members and to his friends.

In solidarity,
Gerry Grainger
International Secretary
Workers Party of Ireland




Frente de Libertação de Moçambique (Frelimo)





Con la memoria de Haroldo Lima, por 99 años de revolución y comunismo

Con profundo fervor revolucionario, saludamos al Partido Comunista de Brasil en su 99 aniversario de trayectoria por la necesaria construcción de una sociedad nueva para la clase trabajadora de la hermana nación.

Asimismo, esta jornada está signada por el reciente fallecimiento del camarada Haroldo Lima, histórico militante del PC do B, consecuente luchador antidictatorial y fiel representante de su pueblo como diputado y funcionario, saludando asimismo a sus deudos, amigos y compañeros.

Queremos entonces desde el Partido Comunista Paraguayo abrazar a todos los camaradas del PC do B, que bajo el ejemplo de Lima y los cientos y miles de cuadros y militantes que en este casi siglo de lucha han dado -y siguen dando- sus mejores aportes a las luchas del pueblo brasileño, por un futuro para las y los que trabajan.

¡Viva el 99 aniversario del PC do B!

¡Hasta la victoria siempre, camarada Lima!




Partido Comunista Português




Partido Comunista da Federação Russa




Partido Comunista (Suíça)




Partido Comunista do Uruguai


Inclinamos nuestras banderas con dolor. A sus familiares y compañeros toda la solidaridad. El PCU RINDE SU HOMENAJE A LA VIDA Y LA LUCHA DE HAROLDO LIMA.

Jorge Mazzarovich – Secretario de Relaciones Internacionales de Partido Comunista de Uruguay




Partido Comunista da Venezuela


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